Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ever Wonder What Its Like?

Often in my life I wondering what it is like to live somewhere else besides the place you grew up. I mean places like the beach or high in the mountains or even just in another state. I know now why people travel when there young. They have the time, energy and gusto to experience new things and their bodies hold out.

There are some people who would like to live at the beach. For some people this would tire them to easily. What with all the seafood and chowders and fishermen's stews? Yum sounds like deliciousness to me. Wonder what that would make me of the only thing I ate was from the ocean? And what of any adverse affects would it have on my health? I'm thinking it would be almost like being a vegetarian but that I couldn't do.

There are some people who want to live on an Island and eat whatever the locals eat. This maybe another good place to try something different such as a diet of fruit and game from the island prepared in the traditional way. And learning the ways of the land.

Lastly there are even us folks who wouldn't mind living in the mountains. At least there it is hard for anyone to get a-hold of you and you would have a great view from so high up. I don't like heights though as it makes me nurvose. I am quite certain you would be the talk of the town.

So there you are. My brain has been poured out on paper for any interested parties who would like to hear. Eat, Pray, Love    the first two are easey the last is always hard long tireous work. But if you are up for the challenge it might just be the one thing you need.

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I spent most of my life as PacNW girl, and now I'm in the mountains AND the desert. Dry, dry, dry. When I first moved to Santa Fe, I was out of breath all the time. I'm slowly adjusting. I miss trees and large bodies of water, but I'm learning to love all the local food and art!

    Also, I had a dream about you the other night. You sent me an e-mail telling me you were on Safari in Africa, and you asked me to feed your fish. Hmmm!
