Monday, January 24, 2011

Black Berry vs. Regular Phone vs. Touch Screen

I am a cell phone geek. I admit it. There is probably not a cell phone out there that I have not used or seen used. I know most people don't use their cell phones near as much as I do. So I try to find the most workable phones for me to use.

There was the regular flip phone. It was good for what I needed it to do. Call and text as slow and painfully time consuming it was. At that time I was also able to use a ear bud earphone so that i could have my privacy just like everyone else. When they stopped making the one ear bud that fit in my ear I had to join the blue tooth craze. And too I found out that a touch screen may be a better option since no buttons were required to use it.

Then I discovered a touch screen that could keep me in the loop with my facebook, my email and google talk.It worked well for a while. I was able to stay in the know, text others (even if I did need help) and people could get a-hold of me in more ways then one. But I soon found out that I really wanted to do it more myself and only need help with important or long messages. Also turning it on and off was hard and a pain and really I need a phone i can use and is not hard for others to use.

Finally we land on a blackberry. I don't know maybe I like the simplicity of an on off switch that does what you would imagine it would. I absolutely love the full keybord and the fact I don't have to constantly be spining my phone just to text. My spelling has not improved but I can write simple words. Facebook has improved as well. I am able to keep up with friends and reply more quickly to email and texts.

So I am satisfied for now that my blackberry may just be what I needed to be more conected.

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