Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas Presents

For Christmas I recived  a lot of cool things from both friends and family. I wont bore you with telling you about every single thing, although everything was awsome in it's own way, Instead I'll tell you about some of my favorites.

The first presant I'm going to talk about was the DVR for my TV in my room. I have been wanting this for a while because so often I have to flipback and forth between shows. This may seem like not such a big deal to most. I have several shows I like to watch all the way through their seasons. And before the dvr I'd eaither have to watch it on damand or not at all. Now I can watch one and record the other or several other shows. And I can do it more quickly because I am able to fast forward though the commerchials.

Next was the ice cream maker. This was a really great gift. I enjoy making things (even if it is giving others directions since lifting things can be challenging and not to metchen messy). I also like ice cream and really who dosen't? The best part is it can make it in less then 10min so you can make multiple flavors.You know how people have game parties with food and wine and fancy clothes? I bet we could do that with ice cream,

Computer ganes included Wheel Of Fortune and Bejuled <?> with a side of Peggle, Very fun. I always enjoy those mindless  games where you dont have to think to play them.

Clothes, the talking ferbys, julery, the wii draw and the rest of the gifts were awsome as well. I am so very thankful for my family and friends. It was a great time.

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